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Answers To All Your Questions

Terms & Conditions

Before we are able to provide a service for you, an initial meeting at your house is necessary to provide you with our insurance details and to take all the required details of your pet, their needs, phobias, veterinary details etc.


If you are registered with us and you do not have a regular booking, 48 hours notice is needed for your requested date and time.


Cancellation notification is required at least 24 hours prior to service. Notification less than 24 hours will incur a full charge for services. Furthermore, if we arrive at your home and your pet is not available or we are unable to gain access to your property during a scheduled visit, you will be charged at the booked rate.


We accept cash and bank transfers. 

Clients are billed in advance either weekly or monthly as arranged.  Payment for all pet services should be made on the day of or prior to the arranged appointment.

Missed payments

Everyone is human and mistakes happen.  If your payment is missed we will carry forward the balance to your next invoice and reserve the right to charge interest on outstanding balances.

Dogs Behaviour and Health Care 

Hind's Hounds expect owners to adhere to the legal obligations of identity tag on collar, and maintain regular vaccinations. Upon registration we must be advised upon any behaviour/allergic/control/aggression problems which may compromise the service we wish to provide you. Owners are fully responsible for any damage or injury caused by their pet to properties or other animals and humans.

Emergency Care 

In the unlikely event that something should happen to your pet that requires medical attention, we will do everything possible to contact you and obtain the right treatment for your pet in a timely manner. In the event that we are unable to reach you, by agreeing to these terms and conditions you agree to us making medical decisions on your behalf for the care of your pet. Any charges incurred in these decisions will be covered by yourselves.

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